Something I keep running into when I look at some MA websites is using articles from newspapers, and other websites, to sell their product. Immediately that doesn't seem to be much of an issue...this is the internet after all.
What gets on my tits though, is that these articles are ALL about people being attacked and hurt. And 80-90% of those I've seen are about Women being attacked and hurt in some fashion.
I salute anyone's attempt to broaden the horizons of someone visiting their site, and I also applaud it when initiatives are pushed to illustrate how potentially dangerous the world can be on a personal level...but the fear-mongering I see on some sites is sad and disgusting.
I found a site for a WC school which started off with information about classes, teachers, fees only then be followed with articles about women being attacked. Essentially this is telling the visitor, "Hi, this is what we do and what we can they way, did you know that you NEED US TO SAVE YOU!!??"
Women are no weaker than men, however there is a cultural response which suggests a woman should 'Take It', and that they're lesser beings than men. I've actually heard people spew this ridiculous shit out in public.
Don't get me wrong, I'm an advocate that PEOPLE should learn something to defend themselves with...ideally WC (knuck-knuck), but gearing their approach directly at women using only articles about fear, rather than with statistics and additional links that could help...I find it reprehensible.
It smacks of a marketing gimmick...and an avenue, through which the primary goal is, to make money.
As an example, the above link takes you to some New Zealand domestic violence statistics.
- One in three women experience psychological or physical abuse from their partners in their lifetime.
- On average 14 women, six men and 10 children are killed by a member of their family every year.
Other than being disgusting and alarming, these numbers are powerful.
These numbers come from within the family unit. Think about that for a moment...within the FAMILY UNIT. That place which is supposed to be uncompromising safety and love.
We're foolish if we think domestic violence doesn't happen. We're deluded if we ignore it.
However we're disgusting if we use a topic, such as this, to sell a product or service.
On top of the potential for domestic violence we find the chance for violent interaction in our everyday world. You might be waiting in line for a coffee, walking down the street with your fast food, or experience an art gallery with your sweetheart.
So yes, go out and learn to defend yourself. Learn to defend your loved ones.
But don't trust someone that would ride on the tail coats of such an important issue.
If you want something fast and effective go learn Boxing, Wing Chun, or Aikido.
If you want something long term...go learn the same options! Check them ALL out, I don't care...I don't know you, but I want you to be safe.
Why am I waffling on about this again?
While I was away in Melbourne attending the Asia-Pacific WSL gathering, my friend broke up with her boyfriend. They hadn't been together too long, so there certainly shouldn't have been any possessive feelings involve, however he couldn't take it and he struck her. She called the Police and now its in the hand of the cops. She came off lucky. She's still alive. But...
When I found out and she'd assured me she was ok, I became furious for her....I wasn't going to roll in and try to save the day, she's a complete enough person to do that for herself. But now I'm having conversations with her about protecting herself.
It's her life...and its important.
As long as she does something.
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